The book, Unleash Your Authentic Identity comes with intensive and detailed audio, PowerPoint, and video teachings – full of practical illustrations, exercises, and examples that will empower you to unlock your true identity and purpose,.
When faced with the question, “Who are you?” what is your usual response? We live in a world where many simply do not know who they truly are or why they even exist in the first place… Identity crisis is a huge and persistent problem in our society today— resulting in so many health conditions and complications and, in some severe cases, suicide.
There’s never been a more desperate and urgent need/cry than now to find our true selves, understand and distinguish what we genuinely want and need from what others and society expect from us, and get back on track to pursue our greatest and most sacred/fulfilling heart’s desires. Before now, our world has never witnessed a generation of young, vibrant and dynamic men and women who seem to be so distracted, lost, and without a clear sense of identity, vision, and purpose.
This manuscript will enable you to identify and unleash your authentic identity, worth, and life purpose and, as a result, what you genuinely want to achieve in life that will bring you ultimate success and fulfilment. Enjoy the beautiful ride to self-discovery and purpose.
You can now get your copy on Amazon using the link below: